Ugrás a fő tartalomra


Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: szeptember, 2024
  Angol középszintű érettség - kidolgozott tételek  Mivel többen is kérték, ismét megjelenik az oldalon ez a menüpont.  Az érettségi vizsgákra való felkészülés újra aktuálissá vált, ha valaki talál az itt megjelenő bejegyzésekben hasznos dolgokat, használja nyugodtan. A tételkidolgozásokat eredetileg a három leánykámnak készítettem, hogy így segítsem a felkészülésüket. Az egyes témaköröknél rövid válaszok vannak, nem akartam túlságosan terjengős lenni, hiszen ha túl sok a szöveg, azt úgysem tanulja meg senki. Viszont ha ennyit megtanulsz, akkor biztosan helytállsz majd a vizsgán. Sok sikert mindenkinek. Ugrás a kidolgozott tételek listájára A szövegek hanganyaga megtalálható  ezen a csatornán .

1.3 – a családi élet mindennapjai, otthoni teendők

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek Do you usually do some of the household chores? What do you have to do at home? I don’t really like doing the washing up and the washing, ironing and sweeping the floor. Although I hate dusting the furniture, hoovering or cleaning the windows I have to do it sometimes. There is always a lot to do, so I help my mother with watering the flowers, tidying up, cleaning up the mess, and hanging out the washing. Sharing the housework is never easy, but in my family, everybody has to do something and everybody is responsible for her own room. Who do you think does the most in the household? I have to admit that my mother does most of the work and I could help my mother more. What can make these duties easier? Fortunately, we have some labor-saving devices, like the Hoover, microwave oven, washing machine, and dishwasher. Using these household gadgets can make cooking and cleaning the house a lot easier. How often do y

1.4 – személyes tervek

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What are your personal plans for next year, or for the next five to ten years? How far ahead do you usually plan? I don’t like to plan too far ahead, but I would definitely like to have a family, live in the countryside, or have several children in the next 10 years. I sometimes think about my plans to go to university or life when I am forty or fifty. What do you think your next year will look like? Do you plan to go to university or college? If I want to become a doctor I’ll have to go to university. What about five years when you finish university or college? Where would you like to work? I’ll have to find a workplace where I can start working or an apprenticeship where I can learn the different aspects of a job. I could even try to find work abroad or at an international company. It could be any kind of job as long as it pays a reasonable salary, offers a nice environment, or gives me job satisfaction. Where would y

2.1 – a másik ember külső és belső jellemzése

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek Could you please describe a member of your family? What does he /she look like? I think my sister is average-looking. I wouldn’t say she is the prettiest but I think she has nice eyes. She is tall and overweight which she inherited from my parents. What about his /her build /hair /face /eyes /nose /mouth /etc.? She has long brown hair, blue eyes, a small nose, and full lips. She always wanted curly blond hair but she has straight brown hair. She even thought of getting contact lenses instead of glasses. Who do you take after in the family? I have my father’s looks and personality. (I take after my father. My family says I look a lot like my father.) What kind of personality do you have? I am quite friendly and patient. Sometimes I feel I am moody and lonely. I am generally a helpful, polite, reliable, and adaptable person. A szöveg hanganyaga megtalálható ezen a helyen . chubby – pufók moody – szes

2.2 – baráti kör

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek Tell me about your friends, please. How many friends do you have? I have many friends from the school, but only a few close ones. Most of my friends are my classmates. I think I am lucky because I have many friends and we can talk about everything and go everywhere together. How long have you known them? Where did you meet them? We all go to the same school or dance class. We used to be members of the same choir. What do they do? They are all students. Some of them go to my school while the others I rarely meet. Who is your best friend? She is called Anett and she goes to the same school. We are both going to the same dance club. We are quite alike because we both are friendly and patient. What do you like doing together? Do you have the same interests /goals /personality features /etc.? Most of the time we go to the cinema and concerts. We usually meet on Saturdays in the shopping mall. We are b

2.3 – a tizenévesek világa: kapcsolat a kortársakkal, felnőttekkel

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What is your relationship with your family? What are your common characteristics and interests? What are the things that you all like doing? We all like going for a walk in the forest. We enjoy the times when we celebrate family events. What is the difference between you and your parents? What do you think the term „generation gap” means? They don’t understand my problems. They lived in a different world and that’s why they have different opinions. They say I waste my time playing computer games. What do family members most often argue about? Parents don’t let their children do what they want to and they usually don’t like their attitude towards school. Sisters are always wearing each other’s clothes and never helping each other tidy their room. Apart from the occasional arguments they respect each other and support each other in everything. Would you like to change your parents or grandparents in any way? It would be nice

2.4 – női és férfi szerepek

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What are the typical roles for men and women in society nowadays? What is the role of men and women in society /in a family? Men are expected to be polite, and protective and earn a living for the family. Traditionally, women are sensitive, the centre of the family, and the weaker sex. Nowadays, it’s not surprising if a woman works as a soldier, and the man looks after the house or stays at home with the children. What do men typically do? Men are usually the breadwinners in the family. Men usually work as leaders or work in intellectual professions. Men are considered to be more suitable for manager positions or physical jobs. What are typical professions for women? Most of the teachers, and nurses are women. Women are still considered to be mothers and wives first of all. It is popular among women to become models, secretaries, shop assistants, or teachers. What does your mother /father do around

2.5 – ünnepek, családi ünnepek

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What events do you celebrate with your family? Which do you celebrate: birthdays /name-days/Christmas /Easter /etc.? My family usually comes together for different occasions, for example, graduations and anniversaries. How do you celebrate these events? On my birthday last year we ate at home, I blew out the candles and I wished for something. At Christmas, we normally stay at home and visit all my relatives while at Easter we cook ham and paint a lot of eggs. On birthdays we usually eat cakes, drink soft drinks and laugh a lot. What do you do on these days? A few days before Christmas we bake the cakes, decorate the house and the tree, and wrap the presents. On Christmas day we open presents and watch Christmas programs on TV. We usually eat stuffed cabbage and turkey, and my parents drink champagne. At anniversaries and birthday parties, we eat cakes, drink something and have a good time. What is your favorite family celebrat

2.6 – öltözködés, divat

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What do you usually wear? - casual clothes and situations in which you wear them; - formal clothes, accessories and occasions they are suitable for; - types of clothes you usually wear and your favourite outfit; - the items of clothing you don't like wearing and why; What do you wear in different seasons? It depends on the weather, if it is cold, I wear a warm coat, and waterproof boots, while in summer I mostly have Bermuda shorts and a top on. In summer I like wearing sandals, colorful clothes, miniskirts or shorts. What do you like wearing the most? Most of the time I wear jeans or skirts and shirts. When I am at home I usually wear comfortable clothes. I prefer fashionable clothes, rather than second-hand or hand-me-down clothes. I don’t really like worn-out or colorful clothes. How do you dress yourself when you go to special events or parties? When it comes to special occasions I like to dress

2.7 – vásárlás, szolgáltatások (+ posta)

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What kinds of shops do you go to and what do you usually buy there? Do you like shopping? I really like shopping, the boutiques and the shopping center are my favorite places. What are the differences between shopping in different places? If we think of quality and atmosphere boutiques are the best. If we think of variety supermarkets are the best. In my opinion, a shopping center is better than a corner shop because there is a bigger variety, prices are lower and it is self-service. What do you especially like or dislike buying? I especially like buying clothes because I like trying them on. I’m not very keen on standing in the queue at the supermarket cash desk. Where do you go shopping for clothes? I think the best shops are in the city center in Budapest. I always find something to buy in the local department store. Before I buy something I always take a look around, try it on, check the quality of the material, and a

3.1 – az otthon, a lakóhely és környéke (a lakószoba, lakás, a ház bemutatása)

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What does your room look like? Could you describe your home, please? - rooms in a house - the way they are furnished - the functions of these rooms - your room Please describe your room. My room is quite nice and big. I have white curtains and blue walls. My favourite colours like beige, dark blue and brown are dominant in my room. What furniture do you have in your room? What does it look like? What is it made of? I have a quite comfortable bed and some pictures in the corner of the room. There are some bookshelves, which are made of wood. My desk and wardrobe are made of wood. What do you have on the walls? What is special about the room? Instead of putting up posters on the walls, I like my little sister’s paintings and drawings. I think my room really reflects my personality. My room is exactly the way I like it. How would you like to change your room? Why? I would like to change the co

3.2 – A lakóhely nevezetességei, szolgáltatások, szórakozási lehetőségek

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek Could you tell me some words about your town or village? - famous historical sights in Hungary - entertainment and cultural facilities - your favourite sights - what you would show in your hometown Where do you live? Where is it situated? I live in ………………., which is a small village near the capital city of Hungary. It has a very favourable location because it is situated close to Budapest. It has about a thousand inhabitants. What can you find in the village /town? Budapest has a lot of old buildings, interesting monuments, tourist attractions, and historical sights. Several statues and parks can be found here. It is also famous for its historical city centre, cathedral, and great hotels. What kind of services does it offer? It offers a lot of great places to stay, good restaurants, shopping centres, and parks. There is also the opportunity to watch films, go to concerts, and go to athletic events. What kind of tourist a

3.3 – a városi és a vidéki élet összehasonlítása

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek Would you like to live in a town or in a village in the future? - the advantages and disadvantages of living in these places - the activities you can do in the city and those you can do in the country - why people decide to live in them - your present home and your idea of your future home What is it like to live in a town? Living in a town is very exciting. There are a lot of cultural, entertainment and shopping facilities and schools you can choose from. There are a lot of opportunities if you want to go out. Unfortunately, you can’t enjoy the fresh air or go for a walk in the woods. What is life like in a village? It is an ideal place to grow up, enjoy nature, and grow vegetables and fruit, but I miss the shops and public transport. Village people are peaceful, calm, friendly, and hospitable. In a village, you can’t go to the theatre or make use of many service facilities, but you can reach everything easily a