Ugrás a fő tartalomra

7.5 – kulturális események

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek

What kinds of (cultural) events are organized in your hometown?

What kinds of events take place during the summer?

Budapest offers a wide variety of concerts, street festivals, and folklore festivals in the summer. There is no summer without theatrical and dance performances, scientific and educational lectures, arts and craft fairs, or wine days. The summer festival attracts a lot of tourists and provides non-stop entertainment.

What events take place in winter?

There are traditional crafts workshops and children’s programs in winter. A unique event every winter is the traditional Christmas fair and Christmas concert.

Where do these events take place?

Every year when the Christmas fair takes place, the streets and squares are filled with people. The Community Centre holds salsa lessons, exhibitions, and training sessions. The town center (garden) is an ideal place for concerts and exhibitions.

What is the aim of these events?

The choir festival or folk dance competition promotes cooperation between towns and villages. Events like choir competitions or international music festivals have an important role in making choir music or classical music more popular. Organizing fairs, concerts, wine tastings or workshops is an effective way to attract more tourists.

Which is the most outstanding event?

In our village, everyone is interested in live performances of the folk dance groups. A lot of people watch the fireworks which concludes the week-long festivities.

After sitting indoors all day at school or at work people like going out. On Friday or Saturday nights they often go to the disco or to a pub. Sometimes they go to a concert. Going to the theatre or to an exhibition is a bit more serious but a lot of people like to do this.

A few years ago I visited the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest with my class. We saw the exhibition: „Monet and his friends.” It was a very big art event in Hungary. The exhibition presented famous paintings by Monet and his contemporaries. The paintings followed a special thematic order.

A szöveg hanganyaga megtalálható ezen a helyen.

dance performance – táncelőadás
lecture – előadás
arts and crafts fairs – iparművészeti vásárok
attract – vonz
provide – ellát, nyújt
entertainment – szórakozás
traditional crafts workshops – népművészeti műhely
unique – egyedülálló
training session – képzési kurzus
aim – cél, szándék
competition – verseny
promote – támogat
effective – hatásos
conclude – befejez