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Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: január, 2022

Angol gyakorló feladat: Olvasott szöveg értése, 4. feladat

Olvasott szöveg értése - 2. feladat Olvasd el a Valentin-napról szóló szöveget és az azt követő mondatokat. Minden mondat egy-egy szót ír le a szövegben. A feladatod az, hogy megkeresd a szót, és írd a mondat utáni sorba. Minden sorba csak egy szót írj. The holiday of Valentine's Day probably has its origins in the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. In the early days of Rome, fierce wolves lived in the woods nearby. The Romans called upon one of their gods, Lupercus, to keep the wolves away. A holiday in honor of Lupercus was celebrated on February 15th. The holiday was celebrated as a spring festival. Their calendar was different at that time, with February falling in early springtime. One of the customs of the young people was name-drawing. On the day before the festival of Lupercalia the names of Roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars. Each young man got a slip from the jar. The girl whose name was chosen was to be his sweetheart for the yea...

Megoldás - AO3

Olvasott szöveg értése - 3. feladat - Megoldás 1) Tom came first in his last competition. - igaz 2) He started surfing a year ago. - hamis 3) There are three boys in his family. - igaz 4) He won his first competition. - hamis 5) He doesn’t surf in winter. - hamis 6) He doesn’t like very big waves. - nem tudni 7) Big waves are always important for surfing. - hamis 8) In summer he starts surfing very early. - nem tudni 9) He has never surfed abroad. - igaz Vissza a feladathoz Vissza az angol gyakorló feladatokhoz

Angol gyakorló feladat: Olvasott szöveg értése, 3. feladat

Olvasott szöveg értése - 3. feladat Olvasd el a következő szöveget a 13 éves Tomról, Nagy-Britannia egyik legjobb fiatal szörföséről. A feladatod a következő hogy eldöntse, hogy a szöveg utáni mondatokban szereplő információk igazak (I), hamisak (H), vagy nem tudni (NT), mert a szöveg nem mondja ki. Tom's just won the Under 15 Quicksilver Grommit series - and here he reports on how he did it. "I've been surfing for over three years now. I got into it through my family. My two brothers, dad and mum all love going down to the beach. I started entering competitions about a year ago. I watched a couple of contests I wasn't in, saw the standard, and thought I'd give it a go. I won third place in my first competition! I surf pretty much every day, including winter. But when it's really cold I wear a wet suit, hat, gloves and boots. Luckily Newquay's not the coldest place to surf - in Scotland you have to dress like that in the summer too! You d...

Megoldás - AO2

Olvasott szöveg értése - 2. feladat - Megoldás 1. If you have health problems (e.g. heart problems, diabetes, epilepsy or asthma) then it is important to talk it over with your doctor to make sure that you are not taking unnecessary risks . 2. Many backpackers plan to travel alone, but they may meet up with other adventurers while abroad . It is certainly safer not to travel alone, but remember that there are risks involved in travelling with a group. 3. Watch your belongings at all times. Never carry any items for another person and check your luggage before you travel through any customs checkpoints . 4. It is important to learn about the cultural differences that exist in the regions that you visit, particularly if you travel to faraway places . For example, in many Muslim countries, women travellers may need to cover their arms, legs and hair when going outside. 5. Choose clubs visited by other backpackers. Remember to watch your belongings. To get back to ...

Angol gyakorló feladat: Olvasott szöveg értése, 2. feladat

Olvasott szöveg értése - 2. feladat Olvasd el az alábbi cikket, amely hasznos tanácsokat tartalmaz hátizsákos utazóknak. A szöveg egyes részeit eltávolították. A szöveget úgy kell kiegészítened, hogy a számokat a megfelelő betűkkel párosítod. Van egy betű, amelyre nem lesz szükséged. BACKPACKER GUIDE TO SAFE TRAVELLING There are a number of important things that you need to remember if you want to travel safely and have a great holiday. Personal health If you have health problems (e.g. heart problems, diabetes, epilepsy or asthma) then it is important to talk it over with your doctor (1) ___________. Solo or group travel Many backpackers plan to travel alone, (2) _________. It is certainly safer not to travel alone, but remember that there are risks involved in travelling with a group. Safety and security Watch your belongings at all times. Never carry any items for another person and check your luggage (3) ___________. Location and duration It is important to learn about the cultura...

Megoldás - AO1

Olvasott szöveg értése - 1. feladat - Megoldás 1) F 2) B 3) H 4) A 5) C 6) D 7) E Vissza a feladathoz Vissza az angol gyakorló feladatokhoz

Angol gyakorló feladat: Olvasott szöveg értése, 1. feladat

Olvasott szöveg értése - 1. feladat Az alábbi viccek címét eltávolítottuk. Párosítsd a címeket és a vicceket. Van egy plusz cím, amire nincs szükség. 1. _____________________________________ PUPIL: "Would you punish me for something I didn`t do?" TEACHER: "Of course not." PUPIL: "Good, because I haven`t done my homework." 2. _____________________________________ Two guys in a jungle come around a corner and meet a lion head-on. One guy carefully reaches into his bag and slowly takes out a set of Nike running shoes, never once breaking eye contact with the lion. The second guy hisses: "What are you doing, you can't outrun the lion." And the first guy says: "No, but all I have to do is outrun you!" 3. _____________________________________ As a little boy climbed onto Santa's lap, Santa asked the usual, "And what would you like for Christmas?" The child stared at him open-mouthed and horrified for ...