Olvasott szöveg értése - 2. feladat - Megoldás
1. If you have health problems (e.g. heart problems, diabetes, epilepsy or asthma) then it is important to talk it over with your doctor to make sure that you are not taking unnecessary risks.
2. Many backpackers plan to travel alone, but they may meet up with other adventurers while abroad. It is certainly safer not to travel alone, but remember that there are risks involved in travelling with a group.
3. Watch your belongings at all times. Never carry any items for another person and check your luggage before you travel through any customs checkpoints.
4. It is important to learn about the cultural differences that exist in the regions that you visit, particularly if you travel to faraway places. For example, in many Muslim countries, women travellers may need to cover their arms, legs and hair when going outside.
5. Choose clubs visited by other backpackers. Remember to watch your belongings. To get back to your hotel never travel alone and always use authorised taxis where possible.
6. Let your family know about your travelling companions, current location and any changes in your plans.Web cafés are common in many regions – just make sure you have taught your parents to use email before you leave!
7. Drink only bottled water. You can buy food in the street but only if it is fresh and fully cooked. Fruit that you peel yourself should be fine.
8. Many backpackers will choose cheap accommodation and frequently there will be no mosquito nets over the beds. Spray your room each evening, especially around the door and window frames and under the bed.