Angol párbeszédek
Everyday Conversation
K: Can I help you?
L: Yes, I want to send some flowers to my mother in Germany.
K: What kind of flowers would you like?
L: Well, what do you recommend?
K: Well, roses are very nice at this time of the year.
L: O.K. ... a dozen rose, please.
roses, tulips, daffodils, carnations
a dozen (12), half a dozen (6), two dozen (24), ten (10)
M: Mrs Connor?
N: Yes, Paul?
M: This is a present for you.
>N: A present? What a lovely surprise! Shall I open it now?
M: Yes, of course.
N: Ooh! Chocolates! I love chocolates ... Thank you, very much indeed!
M: Thank you. You've been very kind.
chocolates, sweets, perfume, fruit
O: I'd like to say goodbye to everybody.
P: When are you leaving?
O: Tomorrow morning.
P: Let's meet for a coffee tonight.
O: I'm afraid I can't.
P: Oh ... come on!
O: No, really ... I've got so much to do.
tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow evening, tomorrow night
Q: It's been a lovely party. Thank you very much.
R: But you can't go yet! The party's just beginning!
Q: I'm sorry, but I must!
R: Why?
Q: Because I have to catch the last train.
R: Don't be silly! I'll give you a lift. Where are you going?
B: Caracas!
R: Oh!!
Caracas, Tokyo, Istanbul, Rio