Angol párbeszédek
Something, nothing, anything, everythig
A: I want some seats for Tuesday night. Are there any left?
B: No, there are no seats left. Every seat is reserved.
C: Doctor, I think there's something in my eye. Everything looks funny.
D: Let me have a look ... I can't see anything ... No, I'm sure there's nothing there.
E: There's somebody in the other office!
F: I didn't hear anybody.
E: Wee, just have a look ...
F: ... No, there's nobody there. Everybody's gone home.
G: What are you looking for?
H: My pen. It's somewhere in this room!
G: Where have you looked?
H: I've looked everywhere ... and can't find it anywhere!
1. There's something in my soup.
What is it?
There's somebody in the other room.
Who is it?
2. Is there anything in the fridge?
I'm hungry.
Is there ... in the bathroom?
I want to brush my teeth.
3. There isn't anything in the fridge.
There isn't ... in the bathroom.
it's empty.
4. Everything's expensive. Nothing's cheap.
...'s in the garden. ...'s here.
Study this
some any?
something - anything
somebody - anybody
someone - anyone
somewhere - anywhere
/not ... any
thing / not ... anything
body / not ... anybody
one / not ... anyone
where / not ... anywhere