Angol párbeszédek
The election result
It's midnight.
In a moment, the Mayor of Bamford is going to read the results of the General Election.
Both of the candidates are on the balcony with the Mayor. Both of them are smiling, but neither of them are happy.
Both of them are wearing rosettes.
One of them is the Labour candidate, and the other is the Conservative candidate. Neither of them have been Members of Parliament before.
The Mayor has just announced the result. The Labour candidate has won the election. Some of the crowd are pleased, but the others are angry. All of the Labour supporters are happy. All of them are shouting and cheering. The Conservative supporters are booing. None of them are smiling. The Conservatives haven't won an election in Bamford for many years. The Labour Party has won every election in the town since 1945.
One of them is a policeman.
Both of them are policemen.
Neither of them are policemen.
Some of them are happy.
All of them are happy.
None of them are happy.
... nurse.
... nurses.
... nurses.
... fat.
... fat.
... fat.