2017. július 6., csütörtök

7.4 – olvasás, rádió, tévé, videó, számítógép, internet

How often do you read, watch TV, listen to the radio, use computer?

What do you like reading?
-         Most of the time I read modern novels, short stories or classic dramas, because I find them exciting, interesting and breath-taking. I like reading novels by ………………………….., because  I like the way he builds up the story line, explores and forms characters, and creates tension and suspense.
When do you listen to the radio? Do you have a favourite programme?
-         I almost  never listen to the radio, just when I am in the car with my family. We listen weather information, road constructions or music programme.
Do you watch TV a lot? Do you have a favourite series, programme or channel?
-         I have several favourite channels such as the documentary channel Discovery. I don’t watch TV a lot because I don’t have time for it.
Do you have a DVD or video recorder at home? Do you know how to use it?
-         We have a very old video recorder, but I have never recorded anything with it. Nowadays we use our DVD player more often. I have hundreds of DVD and video casettes at home with films and every episode of House, and I watch them again whenever I can.
Do you have a computer at home? Do you siti n front of it a lot?
-         We have a computer at home but it is my parent’s room so I can’t play computer games on it. We have a modern computer (laptop) at home with sound and video cards, great computer games and Internet access. I have a laptop, and I usually spend a lot of time sittin gin front of the computer playing computer games, surfing the Internet, chatting with my friends, writing e-mails, doing research for my homework.

breath-taking – lélegzetelállító
tension – feszültség
suspense – várakozással teli

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