Ugrás a fő tartalomra

Everyday Conversation 2

Angol párbeszédek

Everyday Conversation

A) Please come in.
B) Thank you.
A) Please, ... sit down. Would you like a cup of tea?
B) Yes, please.
A) How about a biscuit?
B) No, thanks. I'm on a diet.

a cup of tea, a cup of coffe, a glass of milk, a glass of beer, a glass of water
a biscuit, a sandwich, a piece of cake, an orange, a chocolate

C) Execuse me ...
D) Yes, Can I help you?
C) Yes, I'd like some information about trains please.
D) Where to?
C) ... to London.
D) When?
C) Tomorrow.
D) Morning or afternoon.
C) In the evening. About six o'clock.
D) There's one at 6.40.
C) Thank you.

trains, buses, planes, boats, excursions

E) I'd like a pair of shoes, please.
F) What colour would you like?
E) Brown.
F) And what size are you?
E) Five. Can I try them on?
F) Of course.

a pair of shoes, a raincoat, a pullover, a cardigan, a pair of jeans

G) How about dinner, tonight?
H) I'd love to.
G) Where can we meet?
H) How about the square?
G) All right. What time?
H) Is seven o'clock OK?
G) Yes, that's fine.

dinner, a film, a walk, a concert, a drink

A szöveg hanganyaga megtalálható ezen a helyen.

Következő angol párbeszéd: Speak yourself!