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Never on a Sunday

35. Never on a Sunday

Vicar Ah, good evening, Mr Benson. I never see you in church nowadays.
Benson Oh! No, Vicar ... but my wife always goes to church ... she goes every Sunday.
Vicar I know ... but you never come.
Benson Well, I sometimes come, Vicar. I come on Christmas Day and at Easter.
Vicar Hmm ... But what about Sundays, Mr Benson?
Benson I usually wash my car on Sunday morning.
Vicar I see. Why don't you wash your car on Saturday next week, Mr Benson?
Benson Oh ... I can't do that, Vicar.
Vicar Why not?
Benson It's my son's wedding next Saturday ... I'm going to church!

Exercise 1

He / sometimes / football - He sometimes plays football.

1. They / often / potatoes
2. She / usually / a skirt
3. I / never / a hat
4. He / occasionally / radio
5. We / rarely / vodka
6. You / never / cigarettes

Exercise 2

I sometimes drink coffee  or  I never drink coffee  or  I often drink coffee

Now, write true sentences:
1. coffee
2. television
3. golf
4. spaghetti
5. wine
6. caviare
7. a newspaper
8. cinema
9. new clothes
10. a tie
11. cigarettes
12 pop music

1. Every morning he cleans his teeth. He always cleans his teeth in the morning.
2. She gets up at 7 o'clock from Monday to Saturday, but on Sunday she gets up at 11 o'clock. She usually gets up at 7 o'clock.
3. They like films. They see all the new films. They often go to the cinema.
4. He's got a radio and a television. He sometimes listens to the radio, and he sometimes watches television.
5. Her brother lives in London. She doesn't. She sees him four or five times every year. She occasionally sees him.
6. He doesn't usually smoke, but at Christmes, after dinner, he has a cigar. He rarely smokes cigars.
7. She doesn't like whisky. She never drinks whisky.