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Bejegyzések megjelenítése ebből a hónapból: augusztus, 2024

6.6 – gyakori betegségek, sérülések, baleset

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What are the most common illnesses people get? - common illnesses - when and how people get ill - symptoms and possible ways of treatment - the last time you were ill What are the most common illnesses and health problems? In winter and spring, a lot of people suffer from the flu, have a sore throat, or catch a cold. In summer a lot of people suffer from allergies. The most common illnesses nowadays are the common cold, the flu, bronchitis, cancer, and pneumonia. Today’s hectic, unhealthy, and stressful lifestyle often causes insomnia, headaches, indigestion, depression, or backache. When were you last ill? What were your symptoms? I catch a bad cold very often and I always feel run down, sick, shivery, weak, and dizzy. When I catch a cold, I have a splitting headache, a bad cough, a runny nose, and a high fever. I have never been seriously ill thanks to my regular way of life, my healthy diet, and the vitami

6.7 – gyógykezelés (háziorvos, szakorvos, kórházak)

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek When do you need to visit a specialist? - the typical illnesses and injuries treated at the GP’s surgery and in hospital - the kinds of examinations and treatments people receive in each place - the way people feel during their stay in hospital - the last time you were in hospital or at the GP’s What was your problem when you last visited a specialist or doctor? The last time I had to go to the doctor’s, I had a cold and I felt terrible. I don’t often go to the doctor’s, but about a month ago I felt very sick and had a fever and a bad cough. Why do people go to private surgeries? If someone is ill, they usually see their GP (general practitioner), there is no need to see a specialist or visit a private surgery. When I was younger I had some problems with my tonsils, so I needed a specialist and my parents took me to private surgeries to get the best medical care possible. I know it is not always cheap to see

7.1 – szabadidős elfoglaltságok, hobbik

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What do you usually do in your free time? Do you have any hobbies? - hobbies people have - the characteristic features of these hobbies - reasons why people take up hobbies - your hobby and why you enjoy it How much free time do you have during the week? What do you do with it? As I have to learn a lot I don’t have that much free time. When I have some free time I usually read or watch TV. (go out for a walk, meet my friends) How much free time do you have at weekends? At weekends I have more free time because I don’t have so much homework and I don’t have any training sessions or private lessons. Sometimes my mother asks me to help her with the housework or tidy my room, so I can’t do what I want to. I like weekends because I have more time to read or meet my friends. What do you usually do in your spare time? Most of the time I read or play computer games. In my free time, I try to relax by going for a walk

7.2 – színház, mozi, koncert, kiállítás

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek How often do you go out and where do you go? - places people go to for entertainment - similarities and differences between these forms of entertainment - cultural events in your hometown - your last visit to a museum How often do you go to the cinema or to the theatre? I regularly go to the cinema, because I’m fond of film. I quite rarely go to the theatre, because it costs a fortune and it finishes late. I used to go to the theatre when I attended primary school, but I can’t afford the time anymore. What kind of films and plays do you like? I’m keen on action films because they are exciting, and comedies because they are amusing and funny. I enjoy romantic films, science fiction films, and comedies very much, but I don’t like to watch horror films. I appreciate films with an interesting plot or a talented director who plays with a good cast. Which film or play did you last see? The last film I saw was The

7.3 – sportolás, kedvenc sport, iskolai sport

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What sports do you do and which ones do you watch? - sports that are done in teams or individually - why do people choose either individual or team sports - popular and successful sports in Hungary - sports you do in your school and in your free time What is your favorite sport? I think sports are fun to do, so I’ve tried several sports so far, like running, swimming, and aerobics. I like almost all sports, but my personal favorite is auto-racing and ice skating. I like team sports, because I think it is much more entertaining and exciting. What sports do you do? I’m not so fond of doing sports, but I sometimes go skating and skiing in winter, and I go jogging and swimming in summer, if I feel like it. What kind of sports activities do you do in your school? In P.E. lessons we usually begin with warm-up exercises, then do gymnastics and play handball. Fortunately, there are plenty of possibilities to

7.4 – olvasás, rádió, tévé, videó, számítógép, internet

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek How often do you read, watch TV, listen to the radio, and use the computer? What do you like reading? Most of the time I read modern novels, short stories, or classic dramas because I find them exciting, interesting, and breath-taking. I like reading novels by ………………………….. because I like the way he builds up the storyline, explores and forms characters, and creates tension and suspense. When do you listen to the radio? Do you have a favorite program? I rarely listen to the radio, just when I am in the car with my family. We listen to weather information, road construction, or music programs. Do you watch TV a lot? Do you have a favorite series, program, or channel? I have several favorite channels such as the documentary channel Discovery. I don’t watch TV a lot because I don’t have time for it. Do you have a DVD or video recorder at home? Do you know how to use it? We have a very old video recorder, but I have never recor

7.5 – kulturális események

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What kinds of (cultural) events are organized in your hometown? What kinds of events take place during the summer? Budapest offers a wide variety of concerts, street festivals, and folklore festivals in the summer. There is no summer without theatrical and dance performances, scientific and educational lectures, arts and craft fairs, or wine days. The summer festival attracts a lot of tourists and provides non-stop entertainment. What events take place in winter? There are traditional crafts workshops and children’s programs in winter. A unique event every winter is the traditional Christmas fair and Christmas concert. Where do these events take place? Every year when the Christmas fair takes place, the streets and squares are filled with people. The Community Centre holds salsa lessons, exhibitions, and training sessions. The town center (garden) is an ideal place for concerts and exhibitions. What is t

8.1 – a közlekedés eszközei, lehetőségei, a tömegközlekedés

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What means of transport are available in your town (village)? - when you use different means of transport - the advantages and disadvantages of each - what you have to do if you travel by public transport - what forms of transport you can use in your town (village)? - possible ways of traveling long distances - when and how often you travel by these modes of transport - your experiences and preference How do you get to school in the morning? I have a season ticket, but I usually go on foot to school. I live quite a long way from school, so first I travel by train into town and then I change from the train to the metro. I take metro line 2 and travel five stops, then take a 7 or 173 bus and travel 5 minutes then I have to walk until I get to my school. What types of public transport are available in your town? What are they like and how do you use them? I live in a village, so we don’t have local pub

8.2 – nyaralás itthon, illetve külföldön

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek Why do people spend their holidays in Hungary or abroad? - places where people spend their holidays - activities they can do there - advantages and disadvantages of leisure holidays and city breaks - your last holiday and preferences - reasons for going on holiday in Hungary - reasons for going abroad on holiday - your favorite (dream) holiday destination Why do people spend their holidays in Hungary? There are several reasons why people stay and spend their holidays in Hungary, for example, it’s cheaper than going abroad, they can visit relatives they haven’t seen for a long time or they can discover beautiful and interesting places in their own country. Sometimes it’s only the lack of money that keeps people from going abroad. I think it’s time that people discovered the wonderful countryside and historic sights of their own country. Why do people go abroad for their holidays? Nowadays i

8.3 – utazási előkészületek, egy utazás megtervezése, megszervezése

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek How do you prepare for a holiday? - necessary items to take on holidays - what you need on different types of holiday - things you arrange before leaving - something you once forgot to take with you and how you managed without it How do you usually organize your family holidays? We usually choose the destination, program, and activities together. My mother books the accommodation on the Internet. Our family tries to avoid the peak tourist season and crowded places when traveling anywhere. When and what do you pack? My family never makes a packing list, and I always prepare the luggage the night before departure. If it is a summer holiday, I always pack clothes that don’t wrinkle and suntan lotion. A rolling bag can be very practical. A backpack and sleeping bag can be very useful. What travel documents and papers might you need? We always check whether or not our passports have expired. If we travel b

8.4 – az egyéni és a társas utazás előnyei és hátrányai

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What are the pros and cons of going on holiday with /without your friends /your family? - the main features of a package holiday - who chooses this way of traveling and why - the advantages and disadvantages of this type of traveling - your experiences Why do people go on holiday with /without their friends /family? People go on holiday with their friends to enjoy their company or because they don’t want to travel with their parents. People go on holiday with their family to spend some time together. Sometimes people go on holiday without their friends and family, because they would like to do what they want or would like to be independent. Some people enjoy going on holiday  with  their friends or family because they can decide together what to do. Some people enjoy going on holiday  without  their friends or family because nobody tells them what to do or where to go. Going on holiday alone can be bad because you

9.1 – népszerű tudományok, ismeretterjesztés

Angol középszintű érettségi tételek What are the most popular sciences and fields of science nowadays? - the most popular fields of sciences - benefits of scientific achievements for humanity - fields that have developed the most - where you have met these achievements Which fields of natural sciences are the most popular and what is their aim? I think astrology, astronomy, medicine, and molecular biology belong to the most popular fields of science. Genetic engineering is among the most discussed fields because it wants to prevent hereditary diseases. Scientists do research to help cure illnesses, but unfortunately, some of these experiments are carried out on animals. In which fields is most research carried out? Most researches are carried out in medicine, nuclear engineering, and genetic engineering. Medical research is very popular, and it is searching for answers to certain questions and cures for deadly diseases. A lot of research is done under